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Summon Creature Amulets
This section allows you to summon creature amulets.
The first 4 creatures of your basic race can be summoned just by having a high enough level and skill.
You can see the requirements for summoning these creatures in the creature list.
Other creatures require that you have the corresponding building in your kingdom.
By clicking on the race name, you can see what creatures of that race you are able to summon.
Being able to summon a creature amulet does not always mean that you will succeed.
You can see how much % chance you have of successfully summoning the creature amulet in front of the 'summon amulets' link.
If you fail summoning the creature amulet, you will lose an amount of resources between 40% and 80% of the original cost.
If you successfully summon the creature amulet, you will be able to find and use it in the Amulets section.
You can increase the success rate by increasing your skill that corresponds with the creature.
When your skill 5% below the skill required to use the creature amulet, you will have no chance of succesfully summoning the creature amulet.
When your skill 5% above the skill required to use the creature amulet, you will have 100% chance of succesfully summoning the creature amulet.
Summon item Amulets
This section allows you to summon item amulets.
Summoning item amulets requires your kingdom to have the corresponding building.
You can equip an item on your creatures to increase their strength.
Cast Powerspells
This section allows you to cast powerspells. This section is available once you reach level 12.
To cast a powerspell, you need to invest power between the 2 minimum and maximum as shown on the page.
The power required increases by 50% every time you cast a powerspell, but it is reset every day.
If you spent the minimum amount of power, you will always receive 1 result.
If you spent the maximum amount of power, you will always receive 3 results.
If you spent an amount of power between the minimum and maximum amount, you will get 1, 2 or 3 results, with an increased chance of getting more when you invest more power.
The results of the powerspell will always be one of the following in order of rarity:
  • A power creature amulet
  • A power creature item
  • A power gem
  • A consumable
  • A power shard
  • A Familiar creature amulet
  • A Familiar item amulet
  • A Catalyst
Summon s
This section allows you to summon new s
s have a base cost of 100 essence and is increased by 20 for every .
You start with 4 s making the first you summon cost 180 essence.
You can summon 4 types of s.
  • Brimstone : This gives you 30 extra brimstone every hour
  • Crystal : This gives you 30 extra crystal every hour
  • Essence : This gives you 30 extra essence every hour
  • Granite : This gives you 30 extra granite every hour

In addition to these resources, every also gives you 16 power every hour when your power balance is at 100%.
When you reach certain amounts of s, you will receive a bonus to the amount of resources that every produces.
These bonusses are as followed:
  • 40 s: +10%
  • 60 s: +20%
  • 80 s: +30%
  • 100 s: +40%
  • 120 s: +50%
  • 140 s: +60%
  • 160 s: +70%
  • 180 s: +80%
  • 200 s: +90%
  • 220 s: +100%
  • 240 s: +150%
This section allows you to reveal a mage.
Casting a reveal costs 10000 power and 20% power balance.
Revealing a mage allows you to see their list for 24 hours.
If you are in a kingdom, the reveal will also be stored in the kingdom archive.
Cast Curses/Dispels
This section allows you to see the curses, blessings and dispels that you know.